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Vital Facts about Adenomyosis That You Must Know

Do you experience heavy bleeding or else intolerable menstrual cramps each month? If yes, you must not neglect to see the doctor. Though you may think of such symptoms to be pretty normal, it is a must for you to know that excess flow and pain in the lower abdomen may also be the indication of certain health issues. The majority of the women who are above 35 and come across these symptoms during each menstrual cycle are most likely to have uterine fibroids at certain point. However, the medical advancements have resulted in the advent of a minimally invasive process named Uterine Fibroid Embolisation that helps in treating the fibroids permanently without removing the uterus.

The females with these symptoms are also diagnosed with a health issue named Adenomyosis. Do you know what Adenomyosis actually is? Well, it is a condition that most of the women haven’t even heard of now. To be precise, Adenomyosis is a disorder wherein the cells which line the uterus develop within the muscle walls. This health issue may cause certain symptoms like extreme pain or else heavy bleeding and to get relief from such unbearable signs, it is significant to seek the help of the professionals. Some of the many essential facts that you need to know about Adenomyosis include:

  • You May Have It But Hardly Know About It

Adenomyosis can occur at any age in females who aren’t in menopause. As per studies, almost 1 among 10 females is affected by this condition, yet the majority is hardly aware of it as one-third of them don’t experience any symptoms. The two-thirds of women who experience pain should consult the reputable doctor for right treatment or medication.

  • The Signs Can Be Severe

The two common signs of Adenomyosis include painful or heavy periods that generally show up on irregular schedule or else last for a long time. The women with this condition may also experience pelvic pain as well as discomfort even when they are not in their menstrual cycles.

  • It might affect fertility

Adenomyosis may have a negative effect on one’s ability to conceive. However, unlike the conventional procedures, the modern surgical treatment carried out by the surgeons for Adenomyosis is minimally invasive and it helps in preserving one’s uterus.

As mentioned earlier, if you’re experiencing painful period every month, it is high time for you to seek the help of a reliable doctor. Make sure that the expert you select is reputed and have years of experience in the medical field.

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